Monday, May 5, 2014

Top 3 Blinds Buying Mistakes

When it us about giving a trendy outlook for your residential and commercial spaces, nothing can go pass the installation of colourful window awnings.  Investing in these window treatments can return you valuable benefits over long run. Rather than its visual appeal, such shade systems can block the direct sun’s radiant heat entering through the windows.

Buying the right awnings and blinds to suit your needs and budget can be a tricky task with the endless options available in the market, that too in different sizes, shapes, colours and prices. When the choices are overwhelming, it also leaves more room for buying mistakes and wrong picks.  Here are three major mistakes that people often commit while purchasing awnings and blinds so that you can stay informed.

1. Not taking the measurements: While you are planning to purchase a shade system for your windows, pergolas or any other area, it is essential to take the accurate measurements of the intended space. Selecting a wrong fit of window treatment not only ruin the appeal, but also will compromise on the functionality. You can even get in touch with Shade Systems for a custom designed awnings window.

2. Ignoring the existing theme and style of your home: You need to resist that urge to pick the first blind that appeals you. Always consider the existing decor style and theme into consideration. For instance, while you are choosing outdoor blinds in Melbourne or any other location, it is essential to choose the shade system that will blend seamlessly with the surroundings.

3. Putting price over quality: Window treatments are a long-term investment, which means you have to pay heed to quality rather than the cheap price offers. Blinds and awnings are exposed to harshest outdoor elements, so make it a point to choose the best material of highest standards, quality and durability.

Keep these three things in mind while you head out shopping for the quality window treatments for your home or office.

If you have been looking for premium outdoors blinds in Melbourne, visit  

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